This idea came together when two of Harrogate’s oldest and most respected family businesses decided, enough was enough.
Ogden’s Jewellers and Woods of Harrogate are part of Harrogate’s glorious history, like many other fine independents are, and hope to be a part of its’ future. They care deeply for their town and want more than anything else for it to be highly successful.
Probably just like you, they have noticed a steady decline in footfall and trading conditions. Within the town centre shops, cafés and restaurant units on once bristling streets are fast becoming vacant. They want to help stop the spread of decline.
They realised through talking to other independents that everyone shares the same concerns but feel powerless to change the situation alone.
Only a ‘collective voice’ may have the necessary influence locally to press for serious change and the beginning of some joined-up thinking by our local councils.
As members of BIRA (British Independent Retailers Association) we are leveraging as much of their harder-hitting support both locally and nationally and lobbying of central government as we can. The idea is to bring into focus our local problem which is also reflected up and down the country in other declining towns.
We lobby together for simple effective change, your support is most welcome and costs nothing.
Nicholas Richardson